Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

This week's blogger book swap link up is all about not judging a book by its cover, which I am totally guilty of! Nicole of Three 31 is hosting this week and had some questions for us to answer:

1. Do you judge a book by its cover?

You betcha! If it ain't pretty or doesn't catch my eye [basically, if it's boring], I won't pick it up. Yeah, yeah; the post title says 'Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover'... psh. I'm a visual person, sorry! I need me some pretty book covers!

2. How important is cover design to you?

Very. As mentioned above I am a visual person! I need to see pretty in order for me to read it. I will admit that there have been some books I've read where the cover wasn't visually pleasing; books that I willingly picked up! But typically, if it doesn't grab my attention, I won't even think twice about picking it up. 

3. Share your favorite book cover


4. What book surprised you the most, despite its unappealing cover design?

I honestly have yet to pick up a book with an unappealing cover and liked it. I have picked up books with covers that I don't really care for, but I equally did not enjoy the content. I am sure, though, that there are plenty of books out there that I would enjoy that have boring covers. Someone just needs to actually hand them to me and tell me to read them!  

5. In your opinion, what makes a book cover intriguing?

This answer isn't really my opinion per se, but just what I find intriguing and appealing to me. When I am looking for a book I first look at the spine for color, texture, and lettering. There isn't any specific color or type of texture or lettering, it just needs to be appealing to me. If the spine catches my eye, I'll pull it off of the shelf and look at the cover. The cover must share the same characteristics as the spine, but also share the theme of the book. If the cover doesn't really have anything to do with the book, I will not read it. Any of the following are all factors of what an intriguing cover would look like:

text [the least amount, the better]
texture [or maybe none at all]
use of vocabulary

I know, I know; don't judge a book by its cover. But I am a firm believer in first impressions are everything and the same goes for a book!



  1. Great post, Ashley! Thanks for joining the link up, I hope you enjoyed it. =)

  2. I judge the book by its cover too ahah :) xx


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