Hey hey! So sorry for the absence here my friends. Life got the better of me and I have been trying to play catch up. But this post isn't about me announcing that my break is over, this is to let you all know that my break is really just beginning. You may have noticed I have sort of been M.I.A. all over the map including here and it is for good reason. Though I really cannot share with you the storm that has hit my household, I can let you know that once the storm has calmed, I will be back with a better and brighter outlook and will be producing posts again in no time.
Really, most of why I feel I need this break [just so you all aren't totally hangin'] is I have lost inspiration in creation. My house is out of control and there really isn't any creative space here for me anymore so I feel totally overwhelmed with projects. Until I can find that inspiration and get back in to a creative space, I can't offer you all the posts this blog was intended for. And for quite a few months now, what I have offered has been subpar and that's just not fair to you and it certainly isn't fair to my Sponsors.
Which leads me to my next announcement: I will be putting Sponsorship with Chevron Stitches on hold until I return and get back in to the groove of it all. I not only want to be able to provide you guys with quality posts, but I also want to make sure the people who pay me to hang out on my sidebar are getting the most out of my blog as well and since I have seriously dropped the ball here, I cannot continue to string them along any more. It's just not fair all around.
I will be heading to San Diego for a little while on the 17th to be with my parents and my family as well as friends. My daughter leaves for her dads on the 25th to Kansas for the summer so I will be able to take some time to put everything back in to place and get back to where I want to be, where I need to be. There are some plans to meet up with a fellow blogger and fellow IG friend while down there so I hope that will get my creative juices flowin' and I can come back with a whole new inspiration of sorts.
I don't really have a time frame of how long my break will be, I just know that my kids need me and all of me right now and not mommy who sits behind her laptop and cell phone all day long blogging her little heart out. This break also extends to my other blog B.You, and partly in to my personal blog A Fox & A Wolf. I will be pulling back my position at B.You for a while and I hope that it can continue, as it has been quite successful. I'm only pulling back slightly at A Fox & A Wolf, blogging when I feel I want to share something rather than blogging with obligation. If you want to stay updated on my personal life outside of Chevron Stitches, please follow me at A Fox & A Wolf.
Thank you all for being amazing readers and supporters! I promise I will be back as soon as I can! Love you all! XOXOXO

Will totally miss you my friend!
ReplyDeleteI said it before, but good luck with everything! I'm sending positive thoughts your way, and look forward to your return =).
ReplyDeletehey there. would love for you to stop over and link up at my blog hop. http://pinkowl07.blogspot.com/2013/06/sunday-fun-day.html