Tuesday, December 18, 2012

BYOU Magazine - The Seventeen Of Our Generation & A Giveaway!

How many of you have a tween out there? I do. And lots of days she and I get along. Some days not so much. And even though I have actually 'been there, done that', sometimes it is pretty hard for me to be on her level with topics such as boys, puberty, friends at school. Times have changed! Remember Seventeen? Well BYOU Magazine- or Be Your Own You - is much like Seventeen of our generation, but better.

My daughter sat down with one of her friends in her lounge spot and cracked open the 'zines. I heard giggling, some 'whoa's', and saw lots of smiles.

I picked up the magazine myself and browsed through it. I really enjoyed the issue! BYOU is perfect for my daughter's age and well into the teen years with articles on self-esteem, bullying, bff's, and inspiring celebrity role-models. In one of the issues that we received the founder herself expressed difficulties she had when it came to the back-to-school season with self-esteem. Plus, like Seventeen, there are quizzes, giveaways, and a 'be silly' section where riddles and knock knock jokes give your belly a little tickle. 

I asked my daughter and her friend what they liked best about the magazines. 'The pictures!'. Who doesn't? Haha. But they also said, 'the quizzes, the jokes, the celebrity sections and the articles!' That last one was a surprise for me. When I read Seventeen I rarely paid any mind to the silly ol' articles. I then asked what about the articles and my daughter said, 'I can understand them. I can relate.' I would have to say that if your vision of creating the perfect magazine for tweens is making it relative, BYOU pretty much has that covered. If you have a tween, pre-teen, teen this might be a good little gift to get them. 

BYOUMagazine // Facebook // Twitter // Pinterest

Ok, giveaway time!!

BYOU is being so awesome and giving away a one year subscription to BYOU Magazine!!!!! Umm, can I enter? Haha. No, but you can! Enter via Rafflecopter below.

Open to US and Canada only. Giveaway ends December 25th at 12:00 a.m. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of BYOU Magazine. All opinions and experiences are 100% mine. 

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  1. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at you! Look at this blog!!! Wheeeeeee! So so proud of you.

  2. Oh, that looks so fun! My daughter is still young but I can't wait for times like these. ;)

  3. How fun! My daughter is also so very young for this but can't wait.. ;)

  4. Loved the pictures! It sounds like a great magazine for tweens and even younger. I am going to find one issue to test it out with my 7 year old :D


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